Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why I'm a Pro-Government

Salaamu`alaikum warahmatullah ... today, 7.30 sharp; I will be going to Khalifa Institute to attend a seminar about 'Khalifah in Teaching Sector' <something like that-lah>. Well, I have been anticipating to get involve into things like that, considering that my leadership is in GRAVE shallow. Two inches shallow <imagine that??>

Talking about khalifah

Recently on Facebook, I spent a large chunk of my pathetic, teenage life to some debates, focusing on Islamic leadership. Since I am pro-Government, I had to answer countless accusations, slanders and attend an endless chain of arguments with them <the Opposition>. About the hudud case, specifically.

It have been quite a controversy about how, when and why this educational methodology <I prefer not calling it punishment>  should be implemented. The Opposition gives no space for people like me to talk about it, and they merely but abusing it again, and again, and again, as a modal to attract voters. They may have lied thousands or probably millions, but not me <not yet??>


Abu Syafiq in his writing criticized how the Opposition made fool of Allah's law by trading with votes. They said, "We will implement hudud", and used Tun Dr. Mahathir's objection letter sent to Tuan Guru Nik Aziz, to explain why their State Government didn't execute the said laws. Well hell. Tun Dr. Mahathir have retired like eight years ago. Why should the letter be considered as the refutation of hudud? <I invited one pro-Opposition to debate with me. Right until now, he's in total silence. Gahh>

The next thing was, they used the video of Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak saying, "UMNO is nowhere near to implement hudud ..." as a second contention to strengthen their stand. I'd say this, too,  was proven to be a very futile argument because it is cropped; the video. A pro-UMNO debater, well-known by the name PDS stated that in full-length video, Datuk Seri Najib did say things in accordance to the maqasid syar`iyyah. That was a turning point for some other participating debaters ... <so pathetic for the Opposition>.

I have errands, so let us just skip through and make conclusion ...

BN didn't implement hudud, because they know the difficulties of doing so in this multicultural mass. We need to teach the citizens first about this hukum, before we blindly implement it. It's a taboo for Malaysians for such things to happen. I personally, am a hudud struggler, I have debated with atheists about this issue some several hundreds hours. I say this is the best law there is.

I 1000% support hududallah. Problem?
Opposition is  aesthetically rhetoric and proactive in fighting for hudud. But, they forget one hadeeth, recorded by Saidina `Ali Karamallahu Wajhah about a greater priority in Islam. Unification. This is what they lack. The are subversive, divisive and yet still- without any embarrassment whatsoever, not even a smudge- they declare themselves jundullah. They know not if hudud is to be implemented, the first criminal that should be executed are of their own people; the Mujassimites, the Taimiyyites who say Allah as having mass, corners and vertices, and asserted Allah is doing 'istiwa in a literal sense. Na`udzubillah. Subhanallahi amma yushrikuun.

Want to know who are the Mujassimites? Check it out yourself

You shan't use hudud as goods to trade with. It's Allah's Right, and you can't just bargain it for some few thousands votes. All in all: "Alaih sallahu biahkamil hakimiin". Allah Punishes the transgessors, remember this. Wassalam

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