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To read even clearer, click on the image. Thank you. |
Verbatim: Ramai orang yang mampu memberi, sikit yang mampu bersyukur.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Fighting My Own Definition
Salaam and good night
I'd say; let us kick start my very attempt of shifting sides <out of many to come> by doing a little bit of reflection, or, more like a warm-up about my life a few years back. Now, I'm not going to tell each second with full details, merely I'll try to extract the lessons, preferably; the main points out of it. So here we go
As a human, we should measure our richness via our effort and not other's luxury
It always happen to me when I ponder long upon myself and all the absences that I posses. Not that I am ungrateful, it's just, sometimes, the urge of having a fine -- if not dainty -- life is too strong to be waded. I cry, at times whence seeing my friends having their life with fine clothing and glossy, stylish shoes. Me? A two years old T-shirt, a humongous pant and big rubber slipper <which costed me RM6.00> or a worn-out shoes are my daily fancy.
Glancing on my table, there's no hi-tech gizmos and gadgetry, no half a grand earphone, no printer; nothing. But a netbook which I got as a free additional package upon TM-Net installation. I have quite a phone, but still, looks old and plain and way out-of-date. So archaic and I guess, if I could somehow give it to a curator, he would put in the museum LOL.
But wait! To what did I compare myself to?
This question; this is what has always keep an eye to my every life expectation. Every time I failed to fully understand God's Justice, this question will unerringly yet, in ironical sense; unfailingly answer. I always in the end of the day, admit that all these hardships happen because I failed to be grateful and be who I should be OR because of the fact that I have no exact effort to change it into a much nobler level.
God never failed and never get anything wrong.
Looking up again, I know I missed something that God designed me to understand and discover. So as I was destined to turn Islam, I found that, richness is mirage and thus subjective to judgment, abstract to appreciation. I would then curse myself of being too judgmental and comparative in life. And sooner, I'll learn the real meaning of the saying, who has eaten of the pot knows the taste of the broth.
Nobody should be nobody. |
Friday, October 28, 2011
Salaam. I've changed my blog's URL. Its time for me to get really mature and serious in blogging.
Berjalan Ke Pavilion ...Lagi!
Salaam, selamat pagi dan salam 1Malaysia, guys. What, you're missing me? Aww~ that's too kind of you. Agagaga:- all right, you can puke <serahkan baldi kecil>. Baru jaa makan mee segera sepuluh bungkus dengan dorang Ewi ... eiww~~is that my noodle. Gahh. Horrible me.
Hari ini
... hari Jumaat. Dan bermaksud, ada seminggu lagi sebelum peperiksaan <wait-- FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! I've just realized that!!! Haiyoo ... I didn't revise a thing. I'm so dead meat>. But anyway, we put that aside, first, because today I want to share some pictures that we took during our journey to Pavilion.
Walking via car, and then LRT and then by foot. Humans are wonderful creation
We made several sojourns before and after went in Pavilion, don't know why, just wanted to ma comparison. Lots of love to Razvi, the DSLR whom was willing to lend me his optical gun. Had plenty of fun, using it, but No: Hazel's still the best. Mind you.
Walking via car, and then LRT and then by foot. Humans are wonderful creation
We made several sojourns before and after went in Pavilion, don't know why, just wanted to ma comparison. Lots of love to Razvi, the DSLR whom was willing to lend me his optical gun. Had plenty of fun, using it, but No: Hazel's still the best. Mind you.
Seriously, looking back at all those photos, I really want to lay my fingers on Photoscape. There's so much thing I could do with each and every photo. Anyhow, during the process, I found four pictures were defective. So, I dumped it.
Bha, let us go straight to the picturesque. I have no mood commenting today. Just read the captions, OK?
Malaysian... I used to hear the phrase, 'typical Meleis'. Can someone define for me that, please??? |
Near Pavilion. |
WARNING: Extreme sexiness :P |
A rather, undiscovered part of the building. |
UGH! I duck-faced myself. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!! <But still, looks provocative Nadiah, you know which side of provocativeness, right? |
Here we are ... finally arrived after a long, half an hour journey. |
I like the fountain. They're magical. |
From Level 3 ... agora, isn't it? <And also, acro> |
Ini bangunan apa entah. Looks nice- a well-done architectural design. |
Hectic and busy. Sometimes, suffocating. |
Level 5, if I'm not mistaken. During the time Hazwan bought that ice cream. Delicious, it's just that the price is absurd. |
"Yassin, look up!", asked Razvi. I don't know what kind of pose was that, but I did. Imma photogenic! |
Yakuza. :D |
Ultraman ... he's a human, ya see? He needs to do some shopping, too. |
Pretending prestigious. Ironic combination of singleness and fancy. But, amiiin . if this is a du'a. |
Photogenic. |
Again, photogenic <seldom, OK?> |
=,=" this is getting ... |
... |
I just noticed that the woman in the middle is an actress. |
"Breake the rule". |
From Pavilion's foyer. After rain; wet and slippery. |
"Ahh, there you are...", when we found this, parked in front of Fahrenheit. |
Solitude. |
In the nick of time <the elevator's door was just about to close, when I took this>. |
Nice. Looks industrious and mechanical. The kind which I prefer. |
I want my future's wife to have this name. |
AGAGAGAGA ... censorship is self-discretion. :D :P |
Sharing the same passion. |
Nice, right? |
Indie-themed photo. I really enjoy this type of perspective. Razvi said that it is abnormal and weird. Welp, we always and should have different perspective. Otherwise, life will turn into boredom. |
Like a boy band or something. |
Hana Tajima? Ainan Tasnim? Don't know. Don't care. I like, either both. |
We are so strangled with laws. |
Educating self to educational stuff. Not me character. Never, see. |
Railway of life. Not because it ease life; but it has consumed many. |
"Be prudent here ... I sensed danger". XD |
Loikee~ |
Funny <this is an uncompleted picture>. |
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Just Pictures
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Gabung, gabung, gabung ... |
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Percubaan meng-edit gambar ekstrim dengan Photoscape. Macam jadik, macam ndak jadik :() <still doesn't look right :/ |
Percubaan ... entah percubaan apa. Saja mencuba. |
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Percubaan melukis dengan Photoscape. Not bad, eh? |
random stuff,
tutorial amateur,
I Haz Humor
Salaam. Just listen and see this:
I'm "impressed" with the 2,941 dislikers. I mean, how can you resist such adorableness? :3
I'm "impressed" with the 2,941 dislikers. I mean, how can you resist such adorableness? :3
Efek 'Swirl'
Salaam ... hello everyone! Hari neh, saya ajarkan satu lagi tutorial yang agak cun dan best <main dengan Photoscape memang best, kalau kamu pandai manipulate sana-sini>. I simply love this software :D
Ada orang katakan, Photoscape tidak setanding Photoshop. It can't do many things and to be sincere, it is true. Tapi ada satu trik yang orang-orang pro-Photoshop ni kata, software Photoscape ndak boleh buat. Agagaga. Lihat contoh di bawah, saya guna Photoscape jaa <nanti lagi banyak trik akan saya cuba korek>:
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Hensemnya ... I mean, cantiknya efek ;P |
1. Buka Photoscape, pergi Combine2. Add gambar yang ingin diletakkan dengan swirl sebanyak dua kali, macam neh:
3. Pergi Edit4. Object > Photo ... > Letakkan swirl yang diingini pada gambar sebelah kiri [kalau tiada, carilah di dalam Internet. Atau, boleh ambil ini:
Inipun saya cilok entah dari mana :P |
5. Tekan butang Photo + Object
6. Tools > Clone Stamp7. Letakkan dua poin Clone Stamp pada kedudukan yang sama [ini part paling penting. Hati-hati. Jika anda adalah masalah, gunakan mata sebagai penanda. Kalau poin first letak di mata kiri gambar sebelah kiri, pastikan point kedua di mata kiri gambar sebelah kanan]. Letakkan poin pertama di gambar sebelah kiri dan poin kedua di sebelah kanan8. Mulalah mengecat. Pastikan anda mengecat swirl yang ingin menutupi subjek jaa.9. If (8.) is done well, you should get something like this:
10. Sekarang, crop gambar sebelah kiri, dan Save.11. Siap :)
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Ardie ... sorry bha, suka-suka jaa saya guna gambar kau. |
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