Friday, October 28, 2011

Berjalan Ke Pavilion ...Lagi!

Salaam, selamat pagi dan salam 1Malaysia, guys. What, you're missing me? Aww~ that's too kind of you. Agagaga:- all right, you can puke <serahkan baldi kecil>. Baru jaa makan mee segera sepuluh bungkus dengan dorang Ewi ... eiww~~is that my noodle. Gahh. Horrible me.

Hari ini

... hari Jumaat. Dan bermaksud, ada seminggu lagi sebelum peperiksaan <wait-- FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! I've just realized that!!! Haiyoo ... I didn't revise a thing. I'm so dead meat>.  But anyway, we put that aside, first, because today I want to share some pictures that we took during our journey to Pavilion.

Walking via car, and then LRT and then by foot. Humans are wonderful creation

We made several sojourns before and after went in Pavilion, don't know why, just wanted to ma comparison. Lots of love to Razvi, the DSLR whom was willing to lend me his optical gun. Had plenty of fun, using it, but No: Hazel's still the best. Mind you.

Seriously, looking back at all those photos, I really want to lay my fingers on Photoscape. There's so much thing I could do with each and every photo. Anyhow, during the process, I found four pictures were defective. So, I dumped it. 

Bha, let us go straight to the picturesque. I have no mood commenting today. Just read the captions, OK?

Malaysian... I used to hear the phrase, 'typical Meleis'. Can someone define for me that, please???
Near Pavilion.
WARNING: Extreme sexiness :P
A rather, undiscovered part of the building.
UGH! I duck-faced myself. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!! <But still, looks provocative Nadiah, you know which side of provocativeness, right?
Here we are ... finally arrived after a long, half an hour journey.
I like the fountain. They're magical.
From Level 3 ... agora, isn't it? <And also, acro>
Ini bangunan apa entah. Looks nice- a well-done architectural design. 
Hectic and busy. Sometimes, suffocating.
Level 5, if I'm not mistaken. During the time Hazwan bought that ice cream. Delicious, it's just that the price is absurd.
"Yassin, look up!", asked Razvi. I don't know what kind of pose was that, but I did. Imma photogenic!
Yakuza. :D
Ultraman ... he's a human, ya see? He needs to do some shopping, too.
Pretending prestigious. Ironic combination of singleness and fancy. But, amiiin . if this is a du'a.
Again, photogenic <seldom, OK?>
=,=" this is getting ...
Woah ... I thought the stuff here are more expensive <well, some of them ARE expensive. For instance: Turkey passion fruit: RM22.00 for one>. It turned the otherwise. Some goods here are cheaper than in Midvalley, Times Square, MyMart <Agagagaga><KASK>.
I just noticed that the woman in the middle is an actress.
"Breake the rule".
From Pavilion's foyer. After rain; wet and slippery.
"Ahh, there you are...", when we found this, parked in front of Fahrenheit.
In the nick of time <the elevator's door was just about to close, when I took this>.
Nice. Looks industrious and mechanical. The kind which I prefer. 
I want my future's wife to have this name.
AGAGAGAGA ... censorship is self-discretion. :D :P
Sharing the same passion.
Nice, right?
Indie-themed photo. I really enjoy this type of perspective. Razvi said that it is abnormal and weird. Welp, we always and should have different perspective. Otherwise, life will turn into boredom.
Like a boy band or something.
Hana Tajima? Ainan Tasnim? Don't know. Don't care. I like, either both.
We are so strangled with laws.
Educating self to educational stuff. Not me character. Never, see.
Railway of life. Not because it ease life; but it has consumed many.
"Be prudent here ... I sensed danger". XD
Funny <this is an uncompleted picture>.

1 comment:

NadJoliey said...

Provocative? Sy rasa, ambil definisi pertama. Gahaha. You know which one, right?

P/S: Lucu oh kalau lelaki yg ambil gambar dpan cermin. (Tapi comel pla.) Gahaha. And love the pic - yg mcm boy band tu.

P/S 2: Artis? Sepa tu?

P/S 3: Zara.. Hehe. Nda bleh ooh sy missed benda2 macam neh. Macam salah profesion ja sy neh. Patut kerja d Matchmaking company somewhere.