Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This Is What I Call ...Boredom we're having ELP with Madam Ch'ng. The class is quite passive, maybe because of the weather and the time that is sooo not conducive. I enjoy myself here--at the back--looking at my pals discussing stuff and struggling to beat over their sleepiness. 

Three pictures to fellow readers:
Pink ladies...despite the utter boredom, they still have the spirit to pose.
Ugh, women!
Eyes start to be closed by the eyelids, slowly. I don't know how much longer can I fight
this tiredness and boredom.
Concentrating... (imma bad boy)

^P/S: Keep... on... fighting...-_- ZzZzZz 


NadJoliey said...

PATUTLAA... sedang update blog ba pulaa...

Pencabar Samudra said...

Kenapa pulak "PATUTLAA.."

NadJoliey said...

ada yg kurang fokus...