Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bersabarlah [For Two Strongest Women]

"Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious."  
-Phillips Brooks 
Salaam. Pos ini ditujukan kepada dua orang sahabat seperjuangan. Setiap satu dari mereka sedang mengalami dilema dalam hidup mereka. Looking and observing the way they handle themselves despite the constantly bleeding pain and agony within, I'd say you both are the strongest women around.

For kawan #1

It had never been in my thought that you're hiding something agonizing within. Di sebalik langsir senyuman, dan sebalik keceriaanmu, ada luka yang tertanam. Yang terpendam jauh di dalam. Subhanallah, you're such a strong woman. 

Sister, be strong. Kawan-kawanmu akan sentiasa di sini, bila kauperlu. Walau ndak kenal rapat/kerap, I can already feel the pain that you've to get through to stay breathing, everyday. I couldn't imagine if I were on your shoes (wiping tears).
Just... be strong, okay?

For kawan #2

Adat bersahabat, sememangnya menuntut kesabaran. Dan kesabaran kau... it goes way beyond my perception and understanding. I will never be as patient as you, dear sister. Despite those harsh critiques, despite all those bad things people said unto you; like, "You're like a tomboy", or, "You're to hard to be a woman", you have been very resilient. Dan kau ndak boleh memenuhi kehendak semua orang.

Heck. We're not lovers, but we've become more than that. We are FRIENDS... and SIBLINGS. And understand one thing:- I will do anything in order to satisfy all my friends/siblings. Come on, ask me!

Sister, actually I've lied to you in many things. Saya cuma terlalu takut untuk bagitau. Maafkan saya, jika dalam diam sayapun salah-seorang musuh kau (baru timbul kesedaran untuk ini, masyaAllah).


Mawaddah Aufa said...

I have a good feeling that friend of yours would keep holding on and keep going strong :)

NadJoliey said...

Macam terasa, n rasa mau nangis tgk ayat last tuh..

Pencabar Samudra said...

Farah: Yeah. I hope so...

I didn't want any of my friends go away; been there. The feeling is just...


Sabar, yaa. And sorry, I couldn't do anything.