Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sneak Peek: 'Spy Kids' and 'Final Destination 5'

Salaam... I have promised in my earlier post, now we go to the post-view on both films that I have watched (wait, is there such a word as post-view? ..ahh, ne'ermind).

So... this is the first movie that we watch: 'Spy Kids All The Time In The World'. I would give six over ten for this film. The story line was good, but not good enough for me. It was a hilarious movie and thus entertaining I should say, though there was a point at the very end of this film, where a fallacy occurred and I am not going to elaborate the failure here. I not very must-see movie. 3/5
There was a revolutionary state-of-the-art tech incorporated in this film. They provided us with a small 8" by 4" card which had eight-numbered circle, like this:
It is intended to give the audience the fourth-dimensional by providing the smell dimension. Wonder how it works? Continue reading below:
As the movie rolls on, there will be a series of numbers appearing on the screen at some particular moments.  When  a number--say 4--appears, they will have to rub the same number on the card using finger . The used finger is then being smelled. The secret lies in the compressed substances in each number. In the instance above, number four gave out a smell of sweets and candies. A nice masterpiece, yet lacks the practicality.
I like this scene when Jessica Alba who acted as a national spy brought along her toddler in a fight. And the girl is absolutely funny plus cute, too.
Now this lil guy is superb in acting. He managed to put the character into reality. A rather, small kid with big potential.

At the evening (around 4:30PM), we watched another movie: 'Final Destination 5' To tell you the truth, this is the film that I have been waiting for this whole year, and the sole reason I went to Midvalley.  And the best part is, we watched in 3D!!!!!!!!!!  Excellent film; 9/10
This man is a hybrid of Reynaldo Gianecchini, Tom Cruise and Christian Bale. HAHAHA. A new star, but shone excellently. His acting was astounding, so too, the girl in this pictures. In the film, they acted as a couple.
A situation during when the premonition happened. This man was the hero (who turned out to be dead in the end). He was the one who foresaw the massacre, caused by construction failure. And that woman is an Amy Winehouse lookalike, and a very well actress. She played her role in a quite impressive way. 
Shafwan called him a Shinigame; a Japanese version of 'The Reaper'. I like his words, of which, I quote: "You can't cheat death" and "I'm just a cleaner when the game's over". Nice actor, he is.
Having a confrontation with the bridge survivors. At this time, two people were already dead  in their own respective way (you watch-lah, then you'll know how he died). The deceased was Isaac, a womanizer. 
This is the best actor of this film. Her death was also the scariest among all. Can you imagine, getting all laser up and falls from the third level to the car below. 

^P/S: Watch them all. Seriously; you'll be in utter loss if you did not.


NadJoliey said...

'Spy Kids Allah The Time In The World'

??? Typo

Pencabar Samudra said...

Astaghfirullah.. maybe I thought about Him all too much~HAHAHAHA. Will/have correct(ed) it.